Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Doctor Visit
This is hardly a profound post, but today I went to the doctor for a variety of boring maladies: cyst on my finger, sinus infection, prescription renewal. (The middle one is the reason entry will be short and dull.) Have you ever noticed that when the doctor's office has some decent magazines, semi-seasonal at least, you are instantly called...before you can finish the fascinating article on how long you should keep your eye make-up before you are at risk for pink eye. But when the only thing there is a three year old copy of Birds and Blooms that you've read at least twice before and some Sportsman magazine about hunting with bows, you sit there for at least an hour?

I always mean to take along something to read and then I forget. Next time I'm going to stop at the grocery and get the National Enquirer. When I'm called in, I'll leave it in the waiting room. Want to bet there will be fight going on over who gets it when I come out.

I've purchased a trash mag and taken it on an airplane for a long flight. People sniff and look down their noses at you, but then, after you are done and you put it in the seat pocket, they lean over and sotte vocce, they ask if they might just take a quick glance.

When you carry National Enquirer and Guns, Germs and Steel on a plane and put them both in the seat pocket, you do get strange looks.

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