Sunday, January 27, 2013

Sunday Gratitude

It's been a long week, with remembrances and memories.  So I am grateful that a new week begins.  But for the official count...

I am grateful

1.  That the year of purposeful griefwalking has come to an end. For with an ending comes a beginning.

Yesterday I went back to the place where mother lived and died. It had been completely remodeled and nothing was the same.  The door to the room she lived in was open and I peeked it. There was a hospital bed and an elderly woman in it, but it, too, had been remodeled so it didn't look the same.  I was able to walk through the living area, dining area etc. and see that it was all different.  Time had moved on and her death there was no longer even a memory.

Then I stopped by the church and randomly opened a bible that was in the pew.  This was the passage that appeared.  It seemed rather fortuitous.

The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God,
and no torment shall touch them.
They seemed, in the view of the foolish, to be dead;
and their passing away was thought an affliction
and their going forth from us, utter destruction.
But they are in peace.

2. A brightly burning candle. I don't know why I don't light candles more often.  I have many but I seem to be saving them for some unknown reason.  But not tonight.

3.  A gift of home-made liqueur from a friend.

4. For Fabreze.  Don't ask.  Just think kitty litter box.

5. For a wonderful friend who walked alongside me on the actual anniversary of mother's death. She may never know how much she is loved.

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